
Co-production refers to a way of working where service providers and users work together to reach a collective outcome. We hold this approach in high regard and fundamentally believe those affected by our service are best placed to help design it. 

Person-centred Approach

Our service takes a person-centred approach to care, offering a range of treatment options and support for people at any stage of their recovery journey. By putting the person at the heart of what we do, we provide them with the information, tools and guidance to plan their recovery and future. For us, one size doesn’t fit all, and we pride ourselves on being flexible enough to adapt our service provision to ensure we offer the best possible support to everyone. 
Our staff are trained to adopt a strengths-based care approach, providing the right amount of support to people, at the right time, maximising the positive impact our interventions can have, whilst promoting people’s ability to do as much for themselves as possible; maximising their abilities, confidences, coping skills, and independence from services.

“When we work together, we find better solutions”

We aim to deliver the best possible care to everyone who needs support from our service, underpinned by diversity, inclusion and belonging. We want to work with you to understand what we can do to make the biggest positive difference in people’s lives and within local communities, and what are people’s experiences of accessing our service - what we’re getting right and what we need to improve. 

As staff, we have a particular perspective on our service, and we use our expertise as best we can to deliver good care. Our service users and their friends and families have an entirely different and incredibly useful perspective on what it’s like to receive care from us. Our volunteers bring a range of lived and/or professional experiences. 
In addition to existing locally embedded teams/projects, members of the public living in our local community add a truly unique community-focused perspective, helping us to embed localised and responsive services that meet the needs of those it serves, whilst assisting in the development of supportive, flexible and tolerant communities. 
It’s only when we understand each of these perspectives that we can co-produce services, working together to design, improve and maintain the best quality care for everyone. 

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We aim to be inclusive in the way people are involved in our service, including service users and their friends/family; service user representatives; volunteers; community projects/teams and wider members of the local community. We do what we can to remove any barriers that might prevent or discourage people from getting involved.  We want people to have the opportunity to share their experiences with us, influence the decisions we make and help shape the future of our service.  

If this is of interest to you, please get in touch with us at